Help & Support

You can find lots of information on our services below, as well as the different help and support that we can provide.

How to make a complaint

We always try to resolve your dissatisfaction when you first tell us about it. And if we can’t then we promise to monitor your complaint and keep in touch while we're looking into it. We learn from your feedback to improve our services.

We’ll try to resolve your dissatisfaction when you first tell us about it. Quickly and simply. We monitor all feedback so we can understand where we may need to improve our services.

  • If we’re unable to resolve things straight away, or you request a formal investigation, we will investigate this as a Stage 1 Complaint. This is managed by an appropriate complaint investigator
  • A complaint investigator will contact you to acknowledge your complaint within 5 working days. This helps them fully understand your complaint and what you’d like us to do to put things right before carrying out their investigation
  • Their investigation will take up to 10 working days, when they’ll provide a full response. If this isn’t possible, they’ll keep you informed and advise when you should expect a full response. We'll always provide this in writing

  • If you're not satisfied with the outcome of your Stage 1 complaint, you’ll need to let us know within 15 working days from the date on your Stage 1 written response
  • We’ll need to know:
    What part of your original complaint hasn’t been resolved?
    How you feel we could resolve it
  • Where a request for a Stage 2 review is accepted, a senior investigator will look into things and provide their outcome within 20 working days. If this isn’t possible, we’ll keep you informed of progress and advise when you should expect a full response. Stage 2 is the final stage of our complaints process

If you're still unhappy with the outcome of your Stage 2 complaint, or you’d like advice around complaints, you can contact the Housing Ombudsman. 
We're proud to work with the Housing Ombudsman Service to continually review and improve our services. You can find out more information about how they work with customers and landlords by visiting
They can be contacted at:
Housing Ombudsman Service,
PO Box 152,
L33 7WQ

We define a complaint as an expression of dissatisfaction about the standard of service, actions, or lack of action by us or our staff, or those acting on our behalf, affecting residents. 

We’re sorry you haven’t received the service you expected. If you do need to make a complaint, you can tell us about it in several ways:  

  • You can use our Virtual Assistant via our website or WhatsApp us on 07401 329880. When we’re open, the Virtual Assistant will ask you a few questions before connecting you with a staff member to Live Chat. When we’re closed, you can use the general enquiries option to submit the details of your complaint
  • If you use the Virtual Assistant in your online account, type the word “dissatisfaction” and that will take you through the process to log a complaint
  • Call us on 0800 652 0898
  • Write to us at:
    Complaints Team
    Peninsular House
    Wharf Road
    PO2 8HB 

We've popped together a how to video to help you raise a complaint through our Virtual Assistant:

  • You can keep track of your  complaint via your online account in the ‘Active Complaints' section
  • You can also send and view messages, plus add and view documents about your complaint

You can find out more about our complaints performance here  and in our Complaints Policy that you can find on our Policies page

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