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Planned refurbishment due dates

We've put together some guidance to help assist with how we look to complete planned replacements of certain parts of the home

  • Using the programme years, the Asset Investment team will pull together a planned programme for the coming financial year. This usually happens around August time
  • Once budgets are confirmed the programme is then sent over to the Planned Maintenance team to manage and deliver
  • It’s important to remember that all replacements are subject to survey and available budget

  • We replace items within a home when they're at the end of their expected lifecycle
  • We don't replace items to homes down the same road at the same time
  • It may also be because you haven’t had a recent stock condition survey and therefore, we don't have an accurate replacement date on our records

  • If you don’t agree with when the replacement is due, you should call the Customer Experience team on 0800 652 0898 so they can check if a stock condition survey has been completed within the past 5 years
  • If there hasn’t been a completed survey during this time, then they'll pass the details onto the Stock Data team to review. 

If you would like to know when your planned replacement is due to begin, please get in touch with us and we can let you know.

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