How do I report a data protection incident?
- Please contact us or email as soon as possible if you have received someone else’s information
- Please describe what you’ve received, who from, the date and time you received it and what information was included. If you haven’t viewed the information yet, please don’t look at anything in order to answer these questions, get in touch and we’ll let you know what to do
- We’re human and whilst we try our best to minimise the risk of incidents happening, they may still happen
- You can help us by not doing anything with the information you’ve received as this could put someone at risk
Once an incident has been reported, we will:
- Resolve the incident as quickly as possible
- Look into how it happened
- See if there’s anything we can do to prevent the same incident happening again
- Provide further training to staff involved
- Contact anyone involved if we need to
- Offer support to staff and/or customers involved
- Take further action where appropriate
If you have questions or concerns about your data please contact us and ask for Lucy Scott, our Data Protection Officer, or email