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JLL property visits

We've instructed JLL (Jones Lang LaSalle, a firm of Chartered Surveyors) to carry out the revaluation of our properties.
JLL will be carrying out these inspections between 27 August and 4 October 2024. 

  • JLL have to carry out internal inspections of a proportion of our properties
  • Please note that the surveyors will not call on everyone.  If you're not in when they visit, they won't leave a card or call back, but will visit another home instead.  You do not need to make any special arrangements around their timetable
  • However, if you're in when the surveyors call, please allow them access to the home if you can. Their inspections (which may include taking photographs) will last only a few minutes, and they will not disturb your home in any way
  • These inspections are part of a rolling programme of inspections required by our lenders and will not lead to any change to your tenancy or to your rent

Please note that this is not an inspection to highlight repair issues and you should contact us in the usual way.  

  • Yes, a letter will be sent to any customers that are affected
  • Each surveyor will also have a copy of this letter for their use during inspections

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