Help & Support

You can find lots of information on our services below, as well as the different help and support that we can provide.

Adding or removing someone to my tenancy

If you add or remove a person from the tenancy agreement, we call it assignment. As your tenancy agreement is a legal document, this needs to be done with our consent as your landlord using a legal document called a ‘Deed of Assignment’.

  • You can assign your tenancy to a partner or spouse, and some older tenancy agreements allow you to add other family members too
  • The person must be over the age of 18
  • You can only assign your tenancy to one other person at a time
  • Before we complete an assignment, you’ll need to clear any rent arrears you may have

If you’re in the first 12 months of your starter tenancy agreement or your probation period’s been extended, you won't be able to assign your tenancy.

  • We can add someone to your tenancy if your tenancy agreement allows it, and you can prove that your partner’s been living at the address for at least 12 months
  • You should seek independent advice first
  • If you're considering this to protect your partner's rights to the tenancy if you die, you may not need to assign the tenancy as they may be protected by the Family Law Act 1996. Contact us via live chat to find out more
  • To add someone to your tenancy please get in touch by Live chat and we can send out the form to start your journey

  • We understand that peoples' relationships breakdown and end for lots of different reasons
  • If one of the joint customers wants to leave and assign the tenancy to the other joint customer, you both need to complete a Joint to Sole form. Please get in touch via Live chat and we can get the form sent out. Once complete, we'll then arrange to meet both customers to sign the Deed of Assignment

What happens if the relationship has ended, and we can’t agree who remains at the home?

  • We’ll remain unbiased and give both customers the same advice as we can’t make this decision for you
  • You should both seek independent legal advice
  • In this situation where you both can’t agree who will become the sole tenant, you can apply to the County Court and a judge can make the decision

  • Yes, you can – this is called home swapping
  • You can find out more about how to swap your home in our 'Swapping my home' guide

  • The terms of your tenancy don't change but the rights and responsibilities do
  • If you assign your tenancy from joint names to one sole tenant, the sole tenant becomes fully responsible for the tenancy
  • If the tenancy is assigned into joint names, then the rights and responsibilities become shared equally by both joint tenants
  • Also, it only requires one of the joint tenants to give notice to end the tenancy

To add an occupant, please get in touch with us and we can get this added onto your account.

  • We're unable to remove someone from a tenancy due to Domestic Abuse
  • In this situation, you can apply to the County Court and a judge will be able to oversee the decision to make the tenancy a sole tenancy
  • You can find more information and how we can support you here


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