A hoist is used to help move a person from one spot to another. For example moving from their bed into a wheelchair or to support getting into a bath.
There are different types of hoists to help with different needs. Most commonly seen are track hoists that help someone move a short distance, for example from their bed into a wheelchair
There are also chair hoists that will help someone to get in and out of a bath
- If you would like a hoist in your home, please speak to Occupational Therapist who can help start the process
- You can find out more in our Disabled Adaptations article
- Before getting in touch, please check if the hoist is in it's warranty period. If the hoist is in warranty period then any repairs need to be raised with the company that installed it
- If there any repairs, please get in touch with us and we can have a look into it
- Shared Owners and Leaseholders should refer to their lease for any repair responsibilities
- We make sure that hoists are serviced by one of our contractors, ARJO, every year
- If the equipment is serviced by Hampshire Equipment Services (HES) through the Hampshire County Council, then they will indefinitely service and LOLer the hoists all the time the hoist is for that named person. In the event of a death of the named person HES will get the hoist removed from the home
- A LOLer inspection is completed twice a year by one of our contractors, British Engineering Services (BES)
- Shared Owners and Leaseholders should refer to their lease for any servicing responsibilities