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Communal standard

  • We carry out estate inspections on our blocks of flats, car parking areas and roads. These are completed between 1 month and 1 year, depending on how frequently there are issues in the area.
  • Many of our blocks have a caretaking service. There will be details of the service on the block’s communal noticeboard.
  • We are introducing an annual inspection and assessment of all our blocks of flats with internal communal areas, such as shared hallways and stairwells. We’ll use the Communal Standard assessment to ‘rate’ the communal area and this rating will be used to highlight areas that need some extra care and attention.

  • In our blocks we have communal cupboards where the utility meters are stored
  • These should be locked and should not be used for storage
  • If you need the cupboard unlocked, for example for a meter reading or change of supplier, please get in contact with us
  • Please let us know the date and time that you need the cupboard unlocked and a Neighbourhood Officer will arrange for this
  • We ask for 10 working days notice, however if you need it sooner we will try to do it sooner where possible

We’re currently working with customers on the Communal Standards and the Communal Standard assessment.
If you would like to comment on the documents or be more involved in helping us shape this service, please contact our Customer Engagement team 

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